It's almost February, and I haven't seen a preliminary budget yet. Will Dave get any opposition, or will it just be a bunch of hungry wolves fighting over whatever scraps are not already eaten up by overhead and contracts?
Currently in voluntary exile from Libtardia command center.
in order your's feb so what.the D'S in the fed have not had one in years. is unlikley as bobbleheads of a feather.....and last but not least...EVER INCREASING DEBT AND TAX INCREASES the only thoughts in the libtardiverse
in order your's feb so what.the D'S in the fed have not had one in years. is unlikley as bobbleheads of a feather.....and last but not least...EVER INCREASING DEBT AND TAX INCREASES the only thoughts in the libtardiverse
"Libtardiverse" Get that one copyrighted. I'll be looking for it in Wiki.
Currently in voluntary exile from Libtardia command center.
It's almost February, and I haven't seen a preliminary budget yet. Will Dave get any opposition, or will it just be a bunch of hungry wolves fighting over whatever scraps are not already eaten up by overhead and contracts?
Mr Rich:
If last year is any indication of what will happen with this years budget, you will not see a budget util the day of the first budget meeting.
Laat year Claire Wadsworth complained about the budget not being given to the public until the first meeting, but no one seemed to care after all she presented over $226,000 in cuts in 2010. They did not want to give her time to offer MORE tax savings again.
They intoduced and apporved the budget in one meeting.
NONE of them except Prickett offered cuts. Now he is gone. The Twp is in trouble NOW! Watch for the next tax increase. The Patriarca team has given us 4 tax increases in 6 years.
We have NO additional services for those increase and some of our services have been cut or reduced. Leaf pick up was twice a year now it is only once a year and it is not done by the twp workers. It is "subbed" out. The road repairs have been done with loans-"cha-ching". We have , at least, five less police officers too. Might be 7 less.
I expect to see more padding in this years presentation, than a football team's locker room. This will be money that the king can use for whatever he wants. I have a nasty feeling the stupid stuff like waterfalls in to a fish pond will continue, but at a "what can I pull off in my last two years" escalation. If the debt accumulation stays under $40,000,000 , I'll be pleasantly surprised. I hope no one financially backs this pie-in-the-sky town center project. There isn't the cashflow to sustain the existing storefronts. If some matching fund program gets approved, or the like, we will be so buried under a mountain of debt, our current property tax rates will look like a bargain. Just my two cents about how bigger gov't spending is going to do what Kruschev wanted to do to this country.....bury it.
Currently in voluntary exile from Libtardia command center.
It's almost February, and I haven't seen a preliminary budget yet. Will Dave get any opposition, or will it just be a bunch of hungry wolves fighting over whatever scraps are not already eaten up by overhead and contracts?
Mr Rich:
If last year is any indication of what will happen with this years budget, you will not see a budget util the day of the first budget meeting.
Laat year Claire Wadsworth complained about the budget not being given to the public until the first meeting, but no one seemed to care after all she presented over $226,000 in cuts in 2010. They did not want to give her time to offer MORE tax savings again.
They intoduced and apporved the budget in one meeting.
NONE of them except Prickett offered cuts. Now he is gone. The Twp is in trouble NOW! Watch for the next tax increase. The Patriarca team has given us 4 tax increases in 6 years.
We have NO additional services for those increase and some of our services have been cut or reduced. Leaf pick up was twice a year now it is only once a year and it is not done by the twp workers. It is "subbed" out. The road repairs have been done with loans-"cha-ching". We have , at least, five less police officers too. Might be 7 less.
Yes, I was there for the meeting. Remember Sherry Scull trying to beg for $2,000 more for senior center bus fuel?
Currently in voluntary exile from Libtardia command center.
1) Zero funding for unemployment contributions. Is this an oversight, or can they really do this?
2) About $600,000 on the surface, for entertainment. No real cutbacks on that stuff, in a depression era economy?????
On the positive side, I also noticed the purchase of various pieces of paving equipment. I'm glad to see that included.
GREAT!! There is NO ONE experienced to run paving projects. I spoke to 2 PW employees and 1 retiree who said the two Supervisors, Seger and McNaugtin, do NOT have the expeerience either. It may seem like a good idea on the surface, but unless we pay to send them out for formal training, we are wasting money.
So, how was the first meeting? Did any cuts get made, or were certain people on the dais merely trying to get a few grand thrown at their pet projects? I attended for the last few years and discovered one thing: the clowncil represents their interests, not necessarily ours.
Currently in voluntary exile from Libtardia command center.
So, how was the first meeting? Did any cuts get made, or were certain people on the dais merely trying to get a few grand thrown at their pet projects? I attended for the last few years and discovered one thing: the clowncil represents their interests, not necessarily ours.
NO cuts were made-NONE! Administration admitted they will need to train PW before they begin paving. They will get on the job training by paving a few parking lots and dead end streets.
There is MORE here than has been considered I am afraid.
For example, to pave roads you need a crew that includes truck drivers, equipment operators that have experience in operating milling equipment, rollers., men versed in safety and laborers. Does the Twp have this many workers in PW dep't? Will we be hiring more employees?
One reason stated for the purchase is it will save money as we will not need to pay an engineer to do"specs" if we are not putting a job out to bid. BUT if you don't have an engineer complete"specs" for a road paving job here can be a GREAT deal of waste of macadem (black top) ESPECIALLY by inexperienced workers.
Expereienced safety workers are needed to watch out for over-head wires, traffic patterns changes and pedestrian safety.
This new equipment will require maintence and routine cleaning. What about the pollution and/or environmental contamination of cleaning solvents if not correctly used.
What about the potential for injuries from the lack of experience. Paving roads is a demanding job that can cause neck & back injuries, serious burns, lung damage from the smoke and vapors emitted, heat exhaustion, fainting and MORE!
I don't know-on the surface this may sound good, but I think this needs to be thought out more carefully.